Meet at Bentley Spa Bukit Batok now!!!
Experience our relaxing massage by our professional & certified spa therapists!
FeiFei, Snow (New), Winnie (New),Toto (New) and Michelle from China .
Camelia (Chinese),Nana (Indian) and Ema (New Malay) from Malaysia .
Cherry (New) and Emerly (New) from Vietnam .
Sofia is from Thailand.
Recommend massage package:
Supreme hot stone massage
Thai massages + kneeling Oiltherapy
Bubbles Korean massage
Volcano Hot Oil Tantra Massage
Our spa environment is clean and cozy, individual room attached shower, parking lot available. 3mins walking distance from MRT station to our Spa.
Call 6425 1484 or drop us a message from Mon-Sun to make your Massage appointment today
: Blk 641 Bukit Batok Central #01-46 (S650641)
:10:00am ~ 10.30pm Daily
#vietnamchinamalaysiathailandtherapist #goodservices #fullbodyaromaoilmassage #sensualbubbleskoreanmassage #sensualvolcanohotoilmassage #deeptissuemassage #hotstonemassage #healthmassage #sg #bestmassagbukitbatok#relaxingmassage #bestenvironment #qualifiedandcertifiedtherapist #topratedmassage #massagenearme #thaimassage #acupressuremassage #spanearme #lymphaticdrainagemassage #newprostatecaremassage #softdeepintenseyogamassage #massageinsg #3in1massage #tuina
